Apps browsen - Games: Bord
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Backgammon Gold PREMIUM
iOS 16.0+ · GamesPlay Backgammon Gold – also called Tavla – anytime and anywhere for free on your smartphone or tablet. Play with your friends or against one of the strongest computer...
Doodle Devil™ HD
MEER DAN 185.000.000 SPELERS WERELDWIJD! Ontdek je duistere kant! NU beschikbaar in 13 verschillende talen. “Geweldig uniek concept. Uiterst bevredigend!” – GameZebo...
Gomoku V+, 5 in a line
iOS 12.0+ · GamesHet oeroude spel Gomoku is eigenlijk heel eenvoudig, maar als je het beter leert spelen zult je verbaasd staan over het grote aantal mogelijkheden en de strategieën die er...
Dot Line
Advanced Mill Lite
· iOS 13.0+ · GamesAdvanced Mill is an iOS adaptation of the traditional board game Mill. The game also known as Merils and Nine Men's Morris. This app is the ad supported version of the...
Mills - The Board Game
· iOS 13.0+ · GamesHet bordspel Molenspel van LITE Games: speel het populaire spel Molenspel met online multiplayer-opties nu gratis op iPhone en iPad. Het Molenspel is over de hele wereld...
Game Buzzer
iOS 6.0+ · GamesHead to head game buzzer complete with answer timer and score keeping capabilities. Great for hosting your own gameshow, pub trivia or any vs game that requires a race to...
Five in a row - Pentaballs
· iOS 14.0+ · GamesPentaballs is a game where the players' aim is to connect 5 marbles on a board, but after each move, you're able to rotate one of the 4 quadrants on the board....
7 Planets
· iOS 11.0+ · Games7 PLANETS is a logic board game of rolling and matching wooden balls. It is based on the Ziv Zav board game made in 1985. You get an old wooden box with 28 balls in 7...
Français Words Finder/WF
· iOS 13.0+ · GamesFind words for playing the game, or learn words you never knew. Sort the results on word length, alphabet, or word score. Find not the longest, but the best word! You can...
Proximity Solitaire
iOS 12.0+ · GamesThe aim of this strategy game is to fill the board with more pieces than those of your adversary (the iPhone). You own the red pieces, and your adversary owns the blue...
Mahjong zMahjong Domino by SZY
iOS 15.0+ · GamesMahjong Domino = Mahjong + Tetris The most unique and fun game at iOS and Mac OS! Video demo at homepage! *************************** Dank u voor het bekijken! Dank u voor...
Animal Shape Puzzle- Educational Preschool Games
iOS 8.0+ · Games> 409 cute individual puzzles with funny sounds and Word Learning! > 57 SCENES--40 Noun Scenes(12Animal+4Food+8Life+9Map+4Festival+3Others), 9 Verb Scenes and 8 Adj....
Norsk Wordfeud Words Finder
iOS 13.0+ · GamesMore than a million words for playing the game, or learn words you never knew. Sort the results on word length, alphabet, or word score. Find not the longest, but the best...
NO Words Finder PRO/Norwegian
iOS 13.0+ · GamesSolve crossword puzzles, cryptograms, Wordfeud, Scrabble™, or just check your spelling. Sort by word length, alphabet or score to find not just the longest words, but the...
Findit - 200 Pictures
· iOS 12.0+ · Amusement**** Total 200pcs HD Pictures **** *This game is difficult, very difficult if your eye is not good enough. Classical Find it game, one hundred to play without getting...