Apps browsen - Games: Bord
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Guess 'em
· iOS 8.2+ · GamesGuess 'em is a free two player game for the iPhone, iPad & iPod touch. About the game: Two people must first download a version of the game to their...
Shogi Lv.100 (Japanese Chess)
iOS 8.0+ · GamesKanazawa Shogi Level 100 is the most popular Shogi (Japanese Chess) game in Japan. 【Version up!】 Now you can play against a stronger computer engine in Engine Server Game....
Ultimate Word Search Go
Ultimate Word Search Go has 63 English, Spanish, Portuguese, German and French word categories filled with fun word search puzzles. If you like Word Search puzzles, then...
· iOS 13.0+ · GamesYamb is dice game played with 5 or 6 dices. It is more complex variant of popular international Yahtzee® game. FEATURES: - Single player, multiplayer and one vs all - Cool...
Descrambler - Word game cheat
iOS 8.0+ · GamesDo you love the SCRABBLE crossword game? Do you struggle sometimes to find the best word to use? Don't worry, it's a common problem to be linguistically...
Shut the Box Classic
iOS 12.4+ · GamesShut the Box Classic, Shut the Box Thai, Shut the Box Double Box, Shut the Box Evens, Shut the Box Odds, Shut the Box 12. Everything is included! Shut the Box comes with a...
Age of Conquest: Asia
iOS 12.0+ · GamesAsian Conquest for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Age of Conquest ASIA is a medieval risk-like turn-based strategy game where you take the reins of a budding empire and...
Canasta Gold
· iOS 7.1+ · GamesCanasta – een van de geliefste kaartspelletjes Deze Canasta versie werd klassiek omgezet en volgt de bekende regels. Canasta voor de iPhone is het ideale spel voor alle...
MILLIONAIRE TYCOON™ : Free Realestate Trading Strategy Board Game
· iOS 6.0+ · GamesThe Real Estate Trading Game Designed Just for iPod & iPhone. Do you dream about getting rich? Practice first on your iPod or iPhone! Start with a limited budget and...
Burning Bubbles Lab
iOS 11.0+ · GamesClassic bubble shooter game, reinterpreted for iOS. Comes with thousands of levels. WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING “I am so loving this game is amazing nothing but fun I play it...
Sudoku Magic - Logica-puzzel
iOS 10.0+ · GamesDit is de Sudoku-app waar iedereen het over heeft! "Een hele gave nieuwe app" Robert Scoble "De beste Sudoku-app die vandaag beschikbaar is in de App...
K en Qu - Nederlands woord puzzel
· iOS 8.1+ · Games***** Super verslavend: Zoek zoveel woorden in de wirwar van letters als je kunt. Nederlands woordenlijst!!! ***** De bedoeling van het spel is om woorden te vinden in een...
· iOS 6.0+ · GamesMillionaire Tycoon by SavySoda™ ••• INTRODUCING SAVYSODA'S #1 FLAGSHIP GAME ••• NEW LOW PRICE! JUST 99c! This is the game all about making money. A Monopoly style...
Romi Pro
· iOS 8.0+ · GamesRomi (ook wel genaamd Rummy Tile, RummyCube, Rummikub, Rami) laat u tegen de computer spelen op drie niveaus. Romi wordt gespeeld met twee reeksen van 52 kaarten en twee...
WordWeaver: Mayan Legends
· iOS 6.0+ · GamesA word finding and a puzzle game are woven together in WordWeaver! Weave words though the ancient Mayan puzzle grid. You’ll be to ignite fires rings, uncover snake gems,...
Enigmo 2
iOS 12.0+ · GamesEnigmo 2 is de opvolger van het bekroonde puzzelspel Enigmo. In het spel vind je plasma, laserstralen en stromen met vallende waterdruppels. Jij moet ze in de container...