Apps browsen - Games: Woorden
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iOS 12.0+ · GamesNew type of word puzzle game. Learn vocabulary while having fun! Connect blocks that contain pairs or triplets of letters, to fill a board of an arbitrary shape. The board...
Kelime Savaşı - Mynet
· iOS 13.4+ · GamesRakiplerinle canlı sohbet ederek yarışacağın yepyeni bir bilgi yarışmasına hazır ol! ●Kaç pasta türü biliyorsun? ●Bir şarküteriden neler satın alabilirsin? ●Kaç ada ülkesi...
Telling Lies
· iOS 12.2+ · GamesA Video Game About Private Conversations An investigative thriller game with non-linear storytelling, Telling Lies revolves around a cache of secretly recorded video...
Magic Word - Search & Connect
· iOS 10.0+ · GamesWelcome to Magic Word - Search & Connect - a brand new reimagining of a classic crossword puzzle game! Lighten up and enjoy a collection of challenging word search...
Word Forward
iOS 9.0+ · GamesThe #1 Word Game! Played by millions! “Equally a brain-teaser and a brain-pleaser” - MacWorld “An excellent buy for solo players” - TechRadar “A really fun and...
Photographs - Puzzle Stories
· iOS 9.0+ · GamesI think you should play Photographs. I tried to make it a little bit different from most games. It sort of mixes puzzle and narrative in a ( hopefully ) interesting way....
Kapitalne Krzyżówki Dla Dzieci
iOS 11.0+ · GamesPoznawanie literek i doskonalenie ortografii nie musi kojarzyć się ze żmudnymi ćwiczeniami, ale także z przygodą i dobrą zabawą. Ciekawym pomysłem na naukę literek nawet...
iKana - Hiragana and Katakana
· iOS 12.0+ · OnderwijsiKana touch is the fun and easy way to learn Japanese hiragana and katakana! The app features flash cards, a beginners dictionary and quizzes to teach you how to read and...
Crosswords Classic
iOS 12.0+ · Games"… the definitive source for puzzles for iOS…" -- the New York Times Download and play crossword puzzles right on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. Each day many...
Lyrical Letters
· iOS 10.0+ · GamesWhen I was a young boy, my momma bought me a tiny Casio keyboard from a Sears Bargain Centre. Now Sears is gone, and Casio isn't cool anymore. Or is it? Anyhoo... You...
Spelling Nederlands 6
iOS 12.0+ · OnderwijsOntdek "Spelling Nederlands 6" - de perfecte app om de taalvaardigheid van uw kinderen in groep 7 en 8 van de basisschool naar een hoger niveau te tillen. Met...
· iOS 10.0+ · GamesIt's minimal. It's hard. It's wonderful. Lots of things, we can say... But, you'll trust us? When you KLAC, you - for sure - will. KLAC - Snap, Split...
GraphoGame Nederlands
iOS 9.0+ · OnderwijsGraphoGame Nederlands is een wetenschappelijk onderbouwd computerspel dat aan kleuters, basisschoolkinderen en kinderen met dyslexie oefening biedt in de eerste stappen van...
Ik Leer Lezen
· iOS 8.0+ · OnderwijsDe simpele, kleurrijke gebruikservaring van Ik Leer Lezen neemt al snel alle drempels weg als het gaat om een kennismaking met de Nederlandse taal. Het concept sluit...
Subwords: Word Game & Trivia
· iOS 15.0+ · GamesSubwords is an exciting mix between a trivia and a word game. Words are split into syllables and you have to put them back together as fast as possible. The words in every...
英検®準1級 でた単
iOS 15.3+ · Onderwijs2025年1月実施分(2024年度第3回)の最新データを追加しました。 最高のデータを最速でお届け。 語彙問題を全問正解できる圧倒的的中率* *2024年6月、2023年1月、2022年1月、6月、10月実施分 で全25問正解の理論値...