Apps browsen - Muziek
Browse apps uit de Nederlandse App Store.
Quantiloop Pro - Live Looper
· iOS 10.0+ · MuziekQuantiloop is de ultieme virtuele looper. Quantiloop combineert de eenvoud van een hardware loop pedaal met de flexibiliteit van een iOS app. Quantiloop gedraagt zich...
Heavy Metal Music & Hard Rock
iOS 10.0+ · MuziekCollection with radio stations about live heavy metal music to listen for free online. The best songs of the genre heavy metal rock around the world and in several...
Enge Stemvervormer
· iOS 12.0+ · AmusementATTENTION! You are entering the scariest zone full of demons, devils and other evil beings. Transform into the deadliest creatures with Scary Voice Changer & Horror...
iOS 9.3+ · MuziekMidi Player -------------- Media player for midi files. You can play midi files with 5 soundfont, Real General Midi, Yamaha XG, SNES chiptune, Square Chiptune, GBA...
Jussi - Vocal Synthesizer
iOS 13.0+ · MuziekThis synthesizer emulates male voice vowels in a unique way. Thanks to a set of powerful parameters you can make Jussi sing anything from soft and airy choir-like vowels...
PolyNome Pro: Drum Sequencer
· iOS 15.0+ · Muziek**Whatever you’re looking for, PolyNome probably does it!** Designed by a musician, for musicians, PolyNome handles everything from helping you navigate and learn songs, to...
猫耳FM(M站) - 让广播剧流行起来
iOS 12.0+ · Muziek海量资源,高清音质 ~( ̄∇ ̄~) 睡前神器,用过就懂 (~ ̄∇ ̄)~ 「剧好听」 你追的小说和漫画在这里都有声音剧,关灯上床躺着慢慢听。纯爱、悬疑、灵异、少女、治愈应有尽有。 「陪你入睡」 睡前时光,听着小姐姐或者男神的温柔声音入睡; 深夜难眠,来一段催眠的雨声树林声降降火。 「经典必听」...
bedr Pro wekkerradio
· iOS 11.0+ · MuziekWake up every day to your favourite radio station! Download this free app now and turn your iPhone into an alarm clock with radio streaming. With over 7.000 radio stations...
Onkyo Controller
· iOS 12.0+ · AmusementOnkyo Controller is de officiële Onkyo afstandsbediening-applicatie waarmee gebruikers gemakkelijk compatibele Onkyo-netwerkproducten vanaf hun iPhone/iPod touch/iPad...
Tessitura Pro
· iOS 9.1+ · MuziekThe world of scales and modes just got more interesting! Tessitura Pro is a powerful tool for students, Jazz players, Arrangers and Composers. Study scales and modes like...
Ruismaker FM
· iOS 11.0+ · MuziekHere comes the the crazy twin-sister of Ruismaker, designed for people who want to design their own percussion sounds from scratch. Ruismaker FM's simple, yet...
Stemvervormer - Voice-Effecten
· iOS 13.0+ · MuziekVocoder and recording studio in one app! Voice coding by various keys, multiple backing tracks, and sound effects are waiting for you! VOICE CODING BY KEYS - Pick a note...
Pioneer Remote App
· iOS 12.0+ · AmusementPioneer Remote App is een applicatie waarmee gebruikers thuis kunnen genieten van hun favoriete muziek op compatibele Pioneer & Elite-producten. Met de Pioneer Remote...
Genius Jamtracks
· iOS 13.0+ · MuziekThe new way to practice jazz! Genius Jamtracks, the play-along app for jazz musicians that thinks and plays like an actual trio. With an impressively realistic sound and...
Blues Licks
· iOS 12.0+ · MuziekThe Blues Licks app from brings together over a year's worth of content from Justin's weekly Blues Licks series into a single, easy to use app....
Equalizer Pro - Music Player with 10-band EQ
iOS 10.0+ · MuziekEqualizer Pro is a professional tool for adjusting the sound and multi-player. You will be able correct the sound frequency and achieve the desired sound of your favorite...