Apps browsen - Muziek
Browse apps uit de Nederlandse App Store.
iRemix 2.0 DJ Music Remix Tool
· iOS 12.4+ · MuziekThe Ultimate DJ Remix tool has arrived, and is ready to help you transform your music! iRemix 2.0 brings you all of the features of a DJ Mixer in the palm of your hands!...
· iOS 11.0+ · Games-获得苹果推荐的超实惠音乐游戏!- -收录300首乐曲,并不断追加中!- 2次元名星名曲参战!O(≧▽≦)o 《九九八十一》《普通DISCO》《权御天下》《妄想症》等中文V家名曲悉数收录! ilem,乌龟,阿良良木健,DELA,纯白P,战场原妖精等知名UP主持续供曲! 大陆歌姬,祈inory,幽舞越山参战! 知名音游作曲家 M2U,Paul...
Mandolin Chords Compass
iOS 13.0+ · MuziekFind the perfect chord voicing for your songs on the mandolin, mandola, and mandocello! Thanks to a specially developed algorithm, the app will show you chord diagrams with...
Sysex Base
iOS 8.0+ · MuziekSysex Base is a MIDI sysex file manager for iPhone and iPad. Back up your synth sounds, organize libraries, and load them back onto your synths! Designed to be quick and...
iOS 7.0+ · MuziekLongplayer: a thousand years of music in your pocket! Not recommended for versions of iPhone lower than iPhone 5. Longplayer is a musical composition that has been playing...
Piano Adventures® Player
· iOS 12.0+ · MuziekPiano Adventures® Player: alle begeleidingen in de palm van uw hand! Nancy en Randall Faber, schrijvers van een van de meest gebruikte pianomethodes ter wereld,...
Geluidsrecorder Privé Pro
iOS 12.0+ · MuziekOntdek de ideale toepassing om uw persoonlijke en vertrouwelijke stemopnames te beschermen. Met de intuïtieve interface en krachtige beveiligingsfuncties kunt u stemmen,...
iOS 12.0+ · MuziekapeDelay - spectral Delay implements up to 2048 delay lines with feedback or up to 2048 Brick-wall filters. The algorithm is based on the STFT (i.e. Short Time Fourier...
Midi DJ remote lite
· iOS 12.0+ · MuziekMidi DJ remote lite is een MIDI-controller voor PC/Mac DJ-software, waaronder Traktor Pro 2, Deckadance 2, Mixxx, Torq en andere MIDI-compatibele DJ-software. Hiermee kunt...
Denon 500 Series Remote
· iOS 12.0+ · MuziekDeze nieuwe app zal u een nooit eerder gekend niveau van beheersing en controle geven over uw Denon Bluetooth-AV-ontvanger. Bedien de basisfuncties van uw AVR met voeding,...
Mic Room
· iOS 7.0+ · MuziekMic Room is an extremely powerful and easy-to-use microphone modeling app for your iPhone or iPad. It gives you a comprehensive virtual collection of some of the most...
Down The Rabbit Hole 2025
· iOS 13.0+ · MuziekOntdek de Down The Rabbit Hole 2025-app! Blijf op de hoogte van de laatste updates, stel je eigen programma samen en mis geen enkele show dankzij de reminders. Lees het...
· iOS 5.1.1+ · OnderwijsThe best way for young kids to learn about making music! "It’s a sickeningly charming world that will make you feel like Peter Pan for a few minutes." - Fast...
Drummy - Beat Maker
iOS 10.0+ · MuziekDrummy is a creative beat production tool. With its intuitive workflow and designed simplicity, it's so easy to make inspirational beats. Many people under the...
iOS 9.0+ · MuziekStrng is a string synthesiser inspired by the karplus-strong algorithm. The physical modelling starts with a short burst of noise that then guided by a tuned delay buffer...
SynthMaster Player
· iOS 11.0+ · MuziekSynthMaster Player for iOS received "2016 Editor's Choice Award" from Electronic Musician Magazine! SynthMaster desktop version is voted as "The Best...