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Browse apps uit de Nederlandse App Store.

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  • Lowrance: app for anglers

    Lowrance: app for anglers

    5.011 · iOS 13.0+ · Navigatie

    THE PERFECT FISHING COMPANION With all the latest and most detailed maps from C-MAP®, the Lowrance App gives you the most accurate charting direct to your mobile device....

  • Theodolite for Watch

    Theodolite for Watch

    iOS 13.0+ · Navigatie

    Theodolite was one of the earliest augmented reality (AR) apps for iOS when it debuted in 2009 -- in fact Theodolite was pioneering AR technology before "AR" was...

  • Perpetual Nautical Almanac

    Perpetual Nautical Almanac

    iOS 17.6+ · Navigatie

    Using the U.S. Naval Observatory NOVAS library and solar system ephemerides from JPL, high precision positions can be calculated in real-time from 1900 to 2050. Simply...

  • Мобильный Антирадар Про

    Мобильный Антирадар Про

    iOS 11.0+ · Navigatie

    Приложение «Мобильный Антирада Про» предупредит Вас о камерах, постах ДПС, лежачих полицейских и прочих опасностях на дороге, поможет сэкономить на штрафах за нарушение ПДД...

  • My Drive Connect App

    My Drive Connect App

    iOS 11.0+ · Diensten

    My Drive Connect integration makes apps user-friendly and suitable for operation inside the vehicle. Once the smartphone is connected to the compatible unit, users can...

  • Route 1700 by DP World Antwerp

    Route 1700 by DP World Antwerp

    1.04 · iOS 12.0+ · Productiviteit

    Route 1700 heeft alles om je bezoek te plannen en je afspraak op DP World Antwerp sneller en makkelijker te laten verlopen! • Te vroeg op de terminal? Verzet je afspraak...

  • GPS Anti Spoof

    GPS Anti Spoof

    iOS 11.0+ · Onderwijs

    Instantly compare observed celestial navigation altitudes with high precision, live calculated altitudes. Shoot the Sun, tap pause in the app, and get instant feedback....

  • 360 NYC: New York City AR Map

    360 NYC: New York City AR Map

    iOS 15.0+ · Reizen

    EXPERIENCE NEW YORK CITY in a new, futuristic way by looking into your phone’s camera to find all the most popular places of interest around you. 360 NYC is an Augmented...

  • WinGPS Marine

    WinGPS Marine

    3.520 · iOS 13.1+ · Navigatie

    Ideaal voor navigatie aan boord van uw sloep, zeiljacht, motorschip of kano: - Weet altijd waar u bent, hoe snel u vaart en wat uw koers is met behulp van een GPS (intern...

  • MyTracks: GPS Recorder

    MyTracks: GPS Recorder

    4.05 · iOS 14.0+ · Navigatie

    MyTracks is an app that helps you keep track of your location using GPS data. It's perfect for various activities like hiking, running, walking, biking, and more. This...

  • Bristol Tour Map of Banksy

    Bristol Tour Map of Banksy

    5.02 · iOS 13.4+ · Navigatie

    A Bristol native, graffiti artist Banksy has acquired worldwide fame for his thought provoking and satirical street art, and several original pieces remain in various...

  • Nautical Calculator Pro

    Nautical Calculator Pro

    iOS 13.0+ · Navigatie

    Nautical Calculator Pro is the most complete application that solves the navigation calculations The main features are : - Calculate Route (solves 2nd navigation problem)...

  • CoNav


    iOS 16.0+ · Navigatie

    Deck Officer's Tools: - Compass Error Calculation - Celestial Navigation - E.T.A Calculation - Port UN LOCODE - Units Converter - True Wind Calculation The app runs...

  • Truckmeister


    3.0102 · iOS 14.0+ · Navigatie

    Truckmeister is dé app voor vrachtwagenchauffeurs. Met Truckmeister ben je veiliger onderweg: hij waarschuwt je voor ongevallen, stilstaande voertuigen, files, flitsers en...

  • Aviation Weather APP

    Aviation Weather APP

    iOS 11.0+ · Het weer

    Get real-time airport weather from your iPhone and iPad. Weather stations and airports all over the World. - More than 44k weather stations available - Search weather...

  • Knooppunten fietsen wandelen

    Knooppunten fietsen wandelen

    4.09 · iOS 17.0+ · Gezondheid en fitness

    Kies en fiets of wandel direct een kant-en-klare route van Fietsknoop. Deze routes zijn verspreid over heel het land en volgen de bekende fiets- en wandelknooppunten. Je...