Apps browsen - Navigatie
Browse apps uit de Nederlandse App Store.
Lowrance: app for anglers
· iOS 13.0+ · NavigatieTHE PERFECT FISHING COMPANION With all the latest and most detailed maps from C-MAP®, the Lowrance App gives you the most accurate charting direct to your mobile device....
Theodolite for Watch
iOS 13.0+ · NavigatieTheodolite was one of the earliest augmented reality (AR) apps for iOS when it debuted in 2009 -- in fact Theodolite was pioneering AR technology before "AR" was...
Perpetual Nautical Almanac
iOS 17.6+ · NavigatieUsing the U.S. Naval Observatory NOVAS library and solar system ephemerides from JPL, high precision positions can be calculated in real-time from 1900 to 2050. Simply...
Мобильный Антирадар Про
iOS 11.0+ · NavigatieПриложение «Мобильный Антирада Про» предупредит Вас о камерах, постах ДПС, лежачих полицейских и прочих опасностях на дороге, поможет сэкономить на штрафах за нарушение ПДД...
My Drive Connect App
iOS 11.0+ · DienstenMy Drive Connect integration makes apps user-friendly and suitable for operation inside the vehicle. Once the smartphone is connected to the compatible unit, users can...
Route 1700 by DP World Antwerp
· iOS 12.0+ · ProductiviteitRoute 1700 heeft alles om je bezoek te plannen en je afspraak op DP World Antwerp sneller en makkelijker te laten verlopen! • Te vroeg op de terminal? Verzet je afspraak...
GPS Anti Spoof
iOS 11.0+ · OnderwijsInstantly compare observed celestial navigation altitudes with high precision, live calculated altitudes. Shoot the Sun, tap pause in the app, and get instant feedback....
360 NYC: New York City AR Map
iOS 15.0+ · ReizenEXPERIENCE NEW YORK CITY in a new, futuristic way by looking into your phone’s camera to find all the most popular places of interest around you. 360 NYC is an Augmented...
WinGPS Marine
· iOS 13.1+ · NavigatieIdeaal voor navigatie aan boord van uw sloep, zeiljacht, motorschip of kano: - Weet altijd waar u bent, hoe snel u vaart en wat uw koers is met behulp van een GPS (intern...
MyTracks: GPS Recorder
· iOS 14.0+ · NavigatieMyTracks is an app that helps you keep track of your location using GPS data. It's perfect for various activities like hiking, running, walking, biking, and more. This...
Bristol Tour Map of Banksy
· iOS 13.4+ · NavigatieA Bristol native, graffiti artist Banksy has acquired worldwide fame for his thought provoking and satirical street art, and several original pieces remain in various...
Nautical Calculator Pro
iOS 13.0+ · NavigatieNautical Calculator Pro is the most complete application that solves the navigation calculations The main features are : - Calculate Route (solves 2nd navigation problem)...
iOS 16.0+ · NavigatieDeck Officer's Tools: - Compass Error Calculation - Celestial Navigation - E.T.A Calculation - Port UN LOCODE - Units Converter - True Wind Calculation The app runs...
· iOS 14.0+ · NavigatieTruckmeister is dé app voor vrachtwagenchauffeurs. Met Truckmeister ben je veiliger onderweg: hij waarschuwt je voor ongevallen, stilstaande voertuigen, files, flitsers en...
Aviation Weather APP
iOS 11.0+ · Het weerGet real-time airport weather from your iPhone and iPad. Weather stations and airports all over the World. - More than 44k weather stations available - Search weather...
Knooppunten fietsen wandelen
· iOS 17.0+ · Gezondheid en fitnessKies en fiets of wandel direct een kant-en-klare route van Fietsknoop. Deze routes zijn verspreid over heel het land en volgen de bekende fiets- en wandelknooppunten. Je...